Shark City is a must-visit dive site for advanced scuba divers who are seeking an adrenaline-packed diving experience. With its stunning reef formations, diverse marine life, and unpredictable currents, this dive site offers a unique challenge and a thrilling adventure. However, it is essential to take all necessary safety precautions and follow the instructions of your dive guide to ensure a safe and enjoyable diving experience.

Located on the western reef of Palau, southwest of Ulong Island, Shark City is a renowned dive site that has earned its reputation as one of the most exhilarating and challenging diving locations in the world. This dive site is home to a diverse array of marine life, including gray reef sharks, barracudas, and eagle rays, and offers a unique opportunity to explore stunning reef formations and a deep canyon rich with marine life. However, with its strong and unpredictable currents, Shark City demands advanced scuba diving skills and experience to ensure a safe and enjoyable diving experience.

As an advanced scuba diving location, Shark City offers an unforgettable experience for experienced divers. With diving depths ranging from 45 feet to 150 feet (15 to 50 meters), this site features sheer vertical walls, moderate slopes, and canyons that offer a diverse range of marine life to explore. The reef formations are breathtaking, with large patches of healthy lettuce corals found on top of the plateau at 70 to 80 feet (23 to 27 meters). Schools of silver barracuda and snappers are also a common sight on the plateau and upper walls.

underwater photo of a group of sharks in Palau, one very close to the camera looking at the photographer

Shark City is best known for its resident gray reef sharks, which patrol the walls and corners of the reef. Schools of barracudas, snappers, and Unicorn fish can also be found throughout the site. Pyramid Butterflyfish, Square Anthias, Moorish Idols, and Yellowtail Fusiliers are some of the colorful fish species that can be found along the edge and on top of the reef. Spotted Eagle Rays and Napoleon Wrasse are also commonly spotted, particularly in the canyon.

Due to the strong and unpredictable currents, each diver at Shark City is required to carry a Safety Sausage as part of their dive equipment. It is also essential to follow the instructions of your dive guide and take all necessary safety precautions to ensure a safe and enjoyable diving experience. Additionally, divers must be aware of their air consumption and bottom time when exploring the deep canyon at Shark City.

In conclusion, Shark City is a unique and unforgettable dive site that offers a challenging yet thrilling diving experience for advanced divers. With its diverse marine life, stunning reef formations, and unpredictable currents, Shark City is truly a one-of-a-kind diving location that should be on every experienced diver's bucket list. However, it is crucial to prioritize safety and follow the instructions of your dive guide to ensure a safe and enjoyable diving experience.